Op-Ed: How the Sudanese military worsened the fuel crisis to justify their coup

At a time when fuel prices rise further, Sudan In The News published their investigation into ‘How the Sudanese military worsened the fuel crisis to justify their coup’ in which whistle-blowers in Sudan’s oil industry reveal that the military intentionally neglected securing oil fields in order to exacerbate the fuel shortages, which provided justification for …

Op-Ed: How the Sudanese military worsened the fuel crisis to justify their coup Read More »

Another suspicious death in police custody shows rising police brutality and impunity

A young man died in police custody after an arbitrary arrest, Al Jazeera reported on Wednesday. Officers did not give a consistent explanation for his death; they first said that the man had died from natural causes before claiming that he had actually died from a drug overdose. Family saw scars and blood all over …

Another suspicious death in police custody shows rising police brutality and impunity Read More »

Saudi Arabia set to invest $3 bn in Sudan

Saudi Arabia have pledged $3 bn in a joint investment fund for Sudan during a meeting between the Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Mohamed Bin Salman, and Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Lt Gen Abdelfattah El Burhan, at the COP27 Middle East Green Initiative on Monday.

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