North Kordofan: Two deaths, at least 60 cases of haemorrhagic fever
The North Kordofan Ministry of Health acknowledged two *haemorrhagic fever deaths in El Obeid, after denying an outbreak in the region earlier.
The North Kordofan Ministry of Health acknowledged two *haemorrhagic fever deaths in El Obeid, after denying an outbreak in the region earlier.
The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors (CCSD) announced yesterday that 74 people were injured during Thursday’s demonstrations, including three people wounded by live bullets, and one case of a protester being ran over by a junta vehicle.
In the first week of August, flash floods swept through more than 25 villages north of Atbara in Sudan’s River Nile state. The floods swept thousands of metric tons of mercury-contaminated mining residue into the Nile in a disaster that echoes the health and environmental threats that haunt communities in traditional gold mining areas across …
Sudan Transparency and Policy Tracker: How mercury is poisoning a nation Read More »
“Climate change, pollution, and exploitation by man are putting existential pressure on the world’s second longest river,” the Nile, AFP writes in a report published not long before the start of the COP27 climate summit in Egypt. Sudan’s food and energy security, and that of its neighbours, are under severe threat and so are its …
Nile in mortal danger, Sudan’s food security at stake Read More »
Police prevented lawyers from the Sudanese Bar Association (SBA) from entering the Lawyers House, denied them food and water, and deployed additional reinforcements. This came after the house witnessed an attack by members of the former regime’s Lawyers Syndicate as authorities decided to reinstate unions from the Al Bashir era.