Month: October 2022

Crime and insecurity on the rise in Sudan’s capital

Sudan’s economic and political crisis has led to much unrest and many strikes and protests but it is also having another, very problematic effect: increased crime and insecurity. Kidnappings, looting, and theft are becoming increasingly common in Khartoum and some seem to believe that the authorities deliberately allow and even encourage the chaos to distract …

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Protesters injured in first of several Sudan coup anniversary protests

The resistance committees in Khartoum state organised several decentralised Marches of the Millions in Khartoum, Omdurman, and Khartoum North (Bahri) yesterday as part of the October protest escalation schedule marking the first ‘anniversary’ of the October 25 coup. Some marches also denounced the acquittal of several intelligence officers accused of killing protesters in Atbara.

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