Month: September 2022

Sudan Committee for missing people in rebel-govt fighting commenced its work

The Committee for Prisoners and Missing Persons working to gather more information on those who went missing during battles between armed rebel movements and Sudanese military forces before the 2020 Juba Peace Agreement officially commenced its work in its office in Khartoum yesterday and is now open to receiving complaints and information from stakeholders.

Six killed in West Kordofan border demarcation clashes

At least six people were killed and an unknown number of people were wounded in new tribal clashes in Abu Zabad, West Kordofan, caused by a border demarcation conflict. Tribesmen from both sides crowded the town and there was continued shooting in the northern parts of the town on Monday morning.

Imams denounce ‘corrupt practices’ of Sudanese Minister of Finance

In the sermons during the Friday prayers in Khartoum last week, imams of mosques strongly criticised Finance Minister Jibril Ibrahim after he ordered the customs authorities to exclude his nephew from paying fees for the import of a new car. The Muslim preachers considered this corrupted practice “a breach of the balance of justice in …

Imams denounce ‘corrupt practices’ of Sudanese Minister of Finance Read More »

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