Month: May 2022

Sudanese farmers killed by Ethiopian ‘shifta’ in cross border attack

Two Sudanese farmers were killed and another wounded in an attack by Ethiopian gunmen (called shifta in the region) near Galabat in eastern Sudan on Monday. Sources from Galabat in El Gedaref report that the attack resulted in the deaths of farmers Arbab and Mohamed Adam. Farmer Abdallah Matar was injured, and was taken to …

Sudanese farmers killed by Ethiopian ‘shifta’ in cross border attack Read More »

Sudan’s Consumer Protection Association calls attention to electricity and oil issues

The Consumer Protection Association joined a group of organisations and individuals who filed an official complaint in Khartoum against the doubling of the electricity tariffs for household consumption since April and called on “all those affected to join the complaint”. The association further reported on the smuggling of large quantities of oil that does not …

Sudan’s Consumer Protection Association calls attention to electricity and oil issues Read More »

Central Darfur witnesses a violent weekend

Central Darfur witnessed a violent weekend with deadly robberies and the forced release of a murder suspect. In Zalingei, a university student was shot dead during a robbery attempt and gunmen forced police to release a murder suspect in Mukjar, which also witnessed a violent robbery.

12 injured during Sudan anti-coup demos, disabled person imprisoned

The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors (CCSD) said that it counted 12 injuries during the May 14 anti-coup demonstrations, of which seven in Khartoum and five in Khartoum North (Bahri). The findings were published in a field report yesterday. A disabled person was arrested and imprisoned during the March 12 protests.

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