Month: March 2022

Sudan photographer World Press Photo 2022 regional winner for Africa

Sudanese photographer Faiz Abubakr Mohamed has been named as the winner in the ‘singles’ category for Africa, at the regional stage of the prestigious 2022 World Press Photo Contest. Mohamed’s winning picture shows a woman protestor hurling a teargas cannister back at riot police during the pro-democracy protests in 2021.

North Darfur Wali: ‘Climate change droughts feeding conflicts over water’

The Acting Wali (Governor) of North Darfur, Hafez Bakheet, has warned of the negative effects of climate changes that have occurred in the states of Darfur in recent decades. He said that one of the most prominent of these climatic changes is the lack of rainfall that occurred in Darfur, which led to a significant …

North Darfur Wali: ‘Climate change droughts feeding conflicts over water’ Read More »

‘Day of the Barricades’ – Sudan capital paralysed

Traffic and travel have ground to a virtual standstill across the three major cities in Khartoum state, as protestors erected barricades of stones and burning tyres in response to a call by the Resistance Committees in the state for a ‘revolutionary escalation’ over the last two days.

Sudan opposition welcome US sanctions against Central Reserve Police

The Khartoum State Resistance Committees and the Forces for Freedom and Change have welcomed the announcement on Monday of US Treasury sanctions against the Sudan Central Reserve Police (CRP, popularly known as Abu Tira) for serious human rights abuses. The US Treasury listed the excessively violent repression of peaceful pro-democracy protests by the security forces …

Sudan opposition welcome US sanctions against Central Reserve Police Read More »

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