Month: January 2022

‘Joint forces’ plunder remaining UNAMID assets in North Darfur capital

A group allegedly consisting of members of government forces and former rebels reportedly looted all remaining assets of the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) mission from its former headquarters in the North Darfur capital El Fasher on Monday evening and on Tuesday. Some of the plunder is being sold on a ‘open market’ …

‘Joint forces’ plunder remaining UNAMID assets in North Darfur capital Read More »

News photographers detained in Sudan

The Sudanese Journalists Network has condemned the arrest of Mohamed Khidir and Majdi Abdallah, photographers who cooperate with the Chinese news agency Xinhua, by the military authorities in Sudan, who continue to clamp-down on journalists, placing the country’s hard-won post-revolution press freedoms under stress.

Darfur Wali Minni Minawi apologises for UNAMID, WFP looting

Darfur Wali (Governor) and former rebel leader Minni Minawi has pledged to recover all property looted from the former United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) headquarters in El Fasher, as well as the goods looted from warehouses of the World Food Programme (WFP) on December 29, and apologised to the international organisations.

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