Month: January 2022

South Kordofan insecurity continues

​The Sudanese Human Rights and Development Organisation (HUDO) published information on more recent killings in South Kordofan, whilst Nuba residents fear that South Kordofan will become a ‘second Darfur’. No actions have been taken by police.

US President Biden nominates new ambassadors to Sudan, South Sudan

US President Joe Biden has announced his intent to nominate John Godfrey and Michael Adler for Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Sudan and South Sudan respectively. A statement by the White House briefing room on Wednesday, introduces President Biden’s nominees for key diplomatic roles in his administration.

Herdsmen rape three Darfur girls of 6 to 9

Three girls aged between 6 and 9 were raped by four armed herdsmen, a kilometre north of Bindisi in Central Darfur on Tuesday. A group of armed men halted a fuel tanker vehicle onear Tabit in North Darfur on Monday, and stole large quantities of fuel.

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